Academic / Research / Statistics

16 Articles

Academic / Research / Statistics, Reports

Find downloadable materials, fact-sheets, information, videos, links to information repositories and links to services in the categories below. Please contact us if you’d like to add your resources to this site.

DVNSW (2020)

Animals and People Experiencing Domestic and Family Violence: How Their Safety and Wellbeing are Interconnected. DVNSW Report. 

M. Cleary, D.K. Thapa, S. West, et al. (2021).

Animal abuse in the context of adult intimate partner violence: A systematic review. Aggression and Violent Behavior. 61 (101676), 1-17.

The Link Factsheet and Poster

This poster outlines key facts and stats on the link between human and animal violence. You can download this resource to display in your service, to share with staff, or as a point of reference when explaining The Link.



Education Centre Against Violence (ECAV)

ECAV is a NSW Health focus group that offers training regarding the link between DFV and animal abuse. They are trauma informed and work collaboratively with animal welfare and human services.

Flynn, C.P. (2000)

Why family professionals can no longer ignore violence toward animals. Family Relations, 49, 87-95.

Fawcett NR, Gullone E and Johnson J. (2002)

The relationship between animal abuse and domestic violence: implications for animal welfare agencies and domestic violence organisations. Domestic Violence Clearinghouse Newsletter, Issue 10 (March), 4-7.

Duncan, A., Thomas, J.C., & Miller, C. (2005)

Significance of family risk factors in development of childhood animal cruelty in adolescent boys with conduct problems. Journal of Family Violence, 20, 235-239.

DeViney, E., Dickert, J., & Lockwood, R. (1983)

The care of pets within child abusing families. International Journal for the Study of Animal Problems, 4, 321-329.

DeGue S & DiLillo D (2009)

Is animal cruelty a ‘red flag’ for family violence? Investigating co-occurring violence toward children, partners and pets. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 24(6): 1036-1056.

Dadds, M.R., Whiting, C., & Hawes, D. (2006)

Associations among cruelty to animals, family conflict, and psychopathic traits in childhood. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21, 411-429.

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